OPTION BASE Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Declares the default lower bound for array subscripts. Syntax OPTION BASE n% Remarks The OPTION BASE statement is never required. The value of n% must be either 0 or 1. The default base is 0. If the following statement is executed, the default lowest value of an array subscript is 1. OPTION BASE 1 Note The TO clause in the DIM statement provides an easier, more flexible way to control the range of an array's subscripts. If the lower bound of an array subscript is not explicitly set, then OPTION BASE can be used to change the default lower bound to 1. The OPTION BASE statement can be used only once in a module (source file) and can appear only in the module-level code. An OPTION BASE statement must be used before you can declare the dimensions for any arrays. Chained programs can have an OPTION BASE statement if no arrays are passed between them in a COMMON block, or if the specified base is identical in the chained programs. The chained-to program inherits the OPTION BASE value of the chaining program if OPTION BASE is omitted in the latter. See Also DIM, LBOUND, UBOUND Example The following example shows the use of OPTION BASE to override the default base array subscript value of 0. Subscripts in array A range from 1 to 20 rather than 0 to 19. OPTION BASE 1 DIM A(20) PRINT "The base subscript in array A is"; LBOUND(A) PRINT "The upper bound subscript in array A is"; UBOUND(A) Output The base subscript in array A is 1 The upper bound subscript in array A is 20